Sorry it has been a while but what can I say the last few weeks/months have been hectic - none more so than over christmas & New Years. Just to quickly fill you all in I have been busy studying to get my final exam out of the way so that I can graduate this year - so far no luck but I will keep pottering along with it - just one measly pass is all I need. Glenn has been busy applying for jobs which is great. His health is going great. The drama since christmas has been that my pops health went down hill rapidly and the Drs were talking only 2 weeks to live. My family were very distraught as pop has been a major part of our lives. He struggled his way through christmas, getting sent home on christmas eve day to basically die as there was nothing they could do for him in hospital - we were angry and hurt at the callousness of it - he couldn't look after himself but they were sending him home!?!. Mum come to visit pop just before he got really ill and was staying with him when he had to go to hospital - her 2 week stayed turned into about 12 weeks. We finally relocated pop back to mum and dads in Albury last weekend after he was released from Junee hospital. The Dr's are now talking that he may have 5 months or more to live (he has fluid retention which is collapsing his lungs and pressuring his heart - and the fluid tablets to relieve it are killing his kidneys so it is no win all round). I am much more at peace with what is happening now which is good. Mum is a great help too as she is doing such a great job looking after him. He will probably be moved into nursing care soon. So that was all a very big emotional upheaval.
Over the break my whole family was home so it was good to see them. Caught up with Ellie which was great. Glenn and I went to Eden with Ang & Justin and some Tumut-ites for New Years eve. It rained the whole time but was lovely anyway. I must be getting old cos I fell asleep at 11.30 - totally missing ringing in the new year! My friend Scott came home from Japan and we hung out heaps over the new years break. Then the day he was meant to fly home his brother in-law committed suicide so he postponed leaving for an extra 2 weeks while he and his family dealt with it. I attended the funeral and the wake. It felt odd cos I didn't know the deceased but I was there for Scott which he really appreciated. It just seems that all my friends lives are crap at the moment - I mean they are strong but are all dealing with death or disease. I hope that you guys are all OK. Sorry to bring the mood down a bit - but that's where I've been at lately. Things are looking up though and hopefully I'll have some more cheerful blogs to post soon - perhaps relating to a house warming party for the summerell clan....2 beers anyone? Here's a pic of me not being doom & gloomy at our xmas party, it was in the members stand at the MTC, it was at night so there was no actual racing going on.
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