Don't know if you all know, but my brother Ben and sister Jessie were personally invited to compete in the World Line Dance Championships in Nashville next December and I have conned Bob into letting me go with them. I am pretty excited. We were all going to go but it would have cost way too much, so Bob has agreed that I can go as long as I take Lachie, so it was a deal. I still have over a year until we go, but I am already planning where I want to go (Nashville will only be a small bit of the trip for me - line dancing isn't really my thing, i'm just the fan club - lol). I want to try and get an around the world ticket so I can come home via London (hopefully arrange to see you Jode), Dubai and Hong Kong. Anyway, hopefully I will do it this time, everytime I arrange to go on a big trip, something comes up and I can't do it. Well, just wanted to share that with y'all.
Oh, this is a pic of Lachie and I at Whiteman Park in Perth, he thought the steam train was Percy (from Thomas the tank engine).
Hey Danny that sounds awesome! Can't wait to hear about where you plan to head. What month is it in? I will be in South America from March til about July then cruising around Europe in our beasty van for a month or so after that. And is linedancing an American thing or Irish thing? They have Irish dancing here but think it may be a bit different. Really want to go to a Caeli (sp?) here... a big night of Irish dancing.
Hi Jode
Line Dancing I think is more American, I'm not really a fan, i think it's a bit daggy, but Ben and Jessie are really good, you might remember they did a dance at my wedding??
Anyway, is in December next year, so you may well be back in oz by then.
Man, you're so lucky Dan, that'll be great! How generous is Bob for OKing you to go by yourself... I don't know if I'd be that generous if it was Mark, I might insist that I have to go too.. ;)
Did I tell you I watched a video of Ben doing his thing at Ray's one time? It was pretty funny - he did look like he was really good at it, and he had this extremely excited look on his face the whole time, this huge big open mouthed smile.
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